Forest Kingfisher

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clif2's picture
Forest Kingfisher

I saw this delightful Kingfisher today and couldn't resist taking some photos. I believe that it is a female.


Impossible to resist taking shots of that Shane, very nice.

Owen1's picture

Really nice shot of a ripper bird. I would love to get some shots of these guys.

Can I ask where was this taken Shane?

Cheers, Owen.

clif2's picture

Thanks Owen,  I believe it is called Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve in the Wynnum - Lindum area on Brisbanes eastside.  I took the photos of the Brown Honeyeaters from a previous post at the same spot. It has grassy areas, reeds and a number of waterholes and where I took this is off a path that runs between 2 of the waterholes with tall reeds along the edge for cover, even with this cover I got discovered a couple of times so I had to wait about 40 minutes to get these and some other shots as well. I should of had some really good ones except the wind was blowing the reeds around in front of the lens all the time. I saw a waterhole there that had at a guess 100+ Cormorants there and a lot of nests in the trees in the middle. ( I don't know if Cormorants build nests like these but there was a lot of them). A bird list from 2 days:-

Brown Honeyeaters, Scarlet Honeyeaters, Brown Gerygones , Leaden Flycatchers, Grass Birds, Red-backed Fairy Wrens, Magpie Geese, Wandering Whistling Ducks, Osprey, Rainbow Lorikeets, Rainbow Bee-eaters, Chestnut Breasted Mannikins, Double-barred Finches, Striated Pardalotes, Royal Spoonbill, Grey Fantails, Egrets, Swamphens, Pacific Black Ducks, Darters, 2 types of Cormorant, Forest Kingfishers, Ibises, Australasian Grebes, Spangled Drongo, Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Magpies, Pee Wees, Crows, Willie Wagtails, some unidentified Doves or Pigeons and a couple of other birds I haven't ID'd yet.



clif2's picture

Thanks Cath and Shane;  As soon as I see the blue flash from a distance I have to get over there to get a photo, they just look stunning.



Headsie's picture

Great shots of a very attractive bird Shane and a pretty immpresive list for two days.

pacman's picture

great pics Shane

looks like she discovered you but decided to stay


clif2's picture

I had to hide out for a while Peter and I picked up four ticks for my trouble.



Woko's picture

And another big tick for your photo, clif.

pacman's picture

Woko wrote:

And another big tick for your photo, clif.

careful with that statement Woko as Shane got 4 ticks on the day and lost 400 mls of blood


Owen1's picture

Thanks for that location Shane.

I can't believe all those birds you recorded there and I haven't seen! What's more is that when I stay with my aunt in Brissie she lives just 10 minutes drive from here so that place is a must next time I'm up your way.

Cheers, Owen.

clif2's picture

Good on ya Woko, I should have known better.

Peter is wasn't blood I was worried about, but you can only guess where 2 of them ended up, not pretty at all.

Owen  I hope you have a good time while you visit and the weather is kind. I have been back there twice to get better photos of the Kingfishers and have seen them every time but they will not come closer. I wish I had some camourflage.



Windhover's picture

Beautiful birds, kingfishers. You did well! I want to get some nicer opps to photograph this species again.

clif2's picture

They are a sight for sore eyes Akos. I am determined to get more detailed shots of these and it gives me something worthwhile to do.

here is another from that day. Just to show the colours.



pacman's picture

they are a lovely bird

in Feb '11 I was birding after work outside of Coraki, NSW and was exploring a little used stockyard when a hen flew in and perched on a post, she flew away twice to get food and came back, 1 item was a large grub, my 1st pics were taken at 5.36pm and the last at 5.54pm.

my gear at the time was basic and I was not using even a monopod so the pics are not very good, this is the very best

but still an afternoon that I will remember for a long time


clif2's picture

That is a great photo Peter, you have captured it well with a nice background as well.



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