Freckled Duck for #270?

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Reflex's picture
Freckled Duck for #270?

There was a sighting of both Freckled Duck and a Musk Duck at our local LakeSamsonvale on Birdline.

So for the last three days I have been having a look around the lake.

On Monday I spotted the Musk Duck in the distance but no Freckled Duck.

Tuesday nothing but the normal Pacific-Black and Hardheads.

Wednesday nothing or so I thought until I loaded these into the computer and cropped them.

Is it wishful thinking on my part or is the second bird a Freckled Duck?

zosterops's picture


Reflex's picture

Thanks Zosterops.

Samford Valley Qld.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Certainly is, congrats John.

pacman's picture

and with your pics you can almost see the freckle of the Freckled Duck


Reflex's picture

pacman wrote:

and with your pics you can almost see the freckle of the Freckled Duck

 Lol! Thanks.

Samford Valley Qld.

zosterops's picture

they are pretty distinctive when you know them. female bluebilled duck can be vaguely similar. 

though i've been lead to grey teal and even wood ducks id'ed as freckled ducks (!). 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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