Friday Afternoon Fun...

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windshear's picture
Friday Afternoon Fun...

I'd had a rough week at work, and I hadn't been birding for a few weeks, so I decided to take an early mark and go hunting for birds. These were taken at Wynnum near Brisbane. :)

Photo List (highlights) - 

- Comb Crested Jacana (Lotusbird) 
- Australian Reed-Warbler(s).
- Double Bar Finch. (also investigating a possible nest)
- A White Breasted Woodswallow that was doing quite a fancy little dance around the nest, flipping his / her tail around like a good sort.
- A Sacred Kingfisher. :)

Also saw several cormorants, loads of ducks, ibis and Welcome Swallows, along with Brown Honeyeaters and Australasian Grebes, there were a few Rainbow Bee-eaters hanging around early on, but by the time I made it to the peninsular sorta thing where they were, they'd gone.

Lovely place to spend an afternoon, if you don't mind the mozzies. (at least I didn't get a paralysis tick this week)


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Ohhh, I would have been in absolute bird heaven!!  What a superb spot windshear and such beautiful shots!  Really glad you didn't get a paralysis tick!!  Have you had one recently?

West Coast Tasmania

windshear's picture

Yes, about a month ago I got one on my shoulder, and I didn't pick it up for a day or two. After it was removed, my shoulder swelled up, and all of the muscles kind of seized up across that side of my back.

Took about a week to finally go away. Ugh. Now I check myself more closely!

Araminta's picture

I live east of Melbourne, an area that was thought to be paralysis tick free .But a few years ago one of our dogs had one deeply embedded in his skin. There is a Vaccine for dogs, is the also one for humans?


windshear's picture

Araminta wrote:

I live east of Melbourne, an area that was thought to be paralysis tick free .But a few years ago one of our dogs had one deeply embedded in his skin. There is a Vaccine for dogs, is the also one for humans?

I don't rightly know, I just took some anti-histemines (I keep them for bee-stings as I'm allergic), and the whole thing eventually went away.

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