Funny pics??

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Araminta's picture
Funny pics??

This Yellow Robin was viciously defending it's spot at the drinking bowl against the New Holland Honeyeater. It kept screaming at the invader of his space for some time, in fact made it leaveyes

(photo taken through my window, not all that sharpwink, my fault. No time to go outsidecrying)

Do you have "funny , or strange photos"? I would like to see them. Come on, postcheeky

Araminta's picture these:

1-  near- miss  landing

2- you do that again, I'll hit you !!!


Raven's picture

The first pic is very nice...the little bird is all puffed up trying to look bigger and more threatening, and has a "don't mess with me " look to enforce the message!

The New Holland Honeyeater looks (as John Howard once said) "alert, but not alarmed..." wink

If that was a Noisy Minah, the whole family would be in to remove the invader...yes

Araminta's picture

Thanks Ravenyes It would be very nice to see other member's "funny photos"


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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