Channel-billed Cuckoo stories for an article

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Holly's picture
Channel-billed Cuckoo stories for an article

Hi guys

A journalist at the SMH has contacted me. They are doing a story on Channel-billed Cuckoos and are after personal stories about people's encounters with channel-bills. If anyone has any stories they would like to share, please email me:

and I will get you in touch with the journalist.
I think they are after Sydney-siders in general but if anyone from outside the area wants to share I will still pass them on.


birdie's picture

OMG we have had some choice complainers on here before Holly that would gladly share I am sure LOL
I am hearing daily flyovers up here and I love them :')

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Holly's picture

LOL yes I know, I get a few emails too! Not quite the positive stories I want to send through though ;)

I have received a lovely story from a member though that I have passed on.

Windhover's picture

Hi Holly
I have a couple of recent ones (yesterday morning). You can put me in touch with the journo I suppose. :-) I had a pair in my backyard, just gorgeous, gorgeous and so annoyed by the local birds too! I had peewees, noisy miners, magpies, ravens, currawongs and butcherbirds and Little Corellas all swooping them.

alexferguson86's picture

Only stories I have to share is lack of sleep and murderous thoughts ;)
Every morning at 5-6am I witness a bird war though which is interesting. 2 cuckoos fly around while the crows and even cockatoos go mad at them. The cuckoos then fly off before coming with "backup" usually an extra 3 cuckoos.
Trust me, close range cuckoo calls combined with angry crow cawing and deafening sulphur crested cockatoo squawks makes for an excruciatingly noisy morning.

alexferguson86's picture

In fact, just as Im writing this the cuckoos have roosted outside and are terrorising the currawongs.

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