We have many rosellas that visit regularly. There's one aspect of their behaviour that always makes us laugh.
Walking along our deck rail, they often stop and put their "foreheads" down on the rail for a second, then move on. They will also do it on the seed dish and our posts.
It looks deferential to a human, but can anyone tell me why they do this?
Hi sherro,we have all seen them do it before, someone asked the same question some time ago, and even posted some photos. But, as far as I remember, we never came up with an answer. (unless I missed it?) The other week someone remarked, when Rosellas eat seeds, they always use their left foot. I can say, that is not so, I watched a pair wander across the paddock yesterday, picking up seeds, and both of them used their right foot to eat. I observed them for a long time, they never swapped feet.
Here's the proof!
Crimson rosella - right foot
As that's a juvenile, is there any chance that they grow out of it? I've only seen left footed
Thanks for the photo Birdgirl2009, there is no dought with the Rosellas I observed, they ARE RIGHT FOOTED, and not juvenile!I will try to take photos, as they are here all the time. Where does the theory come from anyway?
I think I read it in 'Green Guide : Parrots of Australia', but I don't have a copy of my own to check. I'll try and find one of my old posts where I set out to investigate this. It was in Best Photos, so I'll bring it to the top of that section. I got half left and half right, with various parrots
Thank you Birdgirl2009 for posting the photos on the other thread. I have no doubt, Parrots use both feet , as I have seen it, just like you!! I just got the books out, not sure which one though? (I still have to read up on the subject) I have the Limited Edition of "Australian Parrots", by Joseph M. Forshaw, and William T. Cooper (from the State Library) We bound that in leather, it's in a slip-case as well .Beautiful book! I shall see, what I can find out? Not sure, if that's the book you are refering to? Let you know, what I can find out.
I think the book is 'Green Guide : Parrots of Australia'. Green Guide is the series title for several small books about groups of Australian animals
Thanks Birdgirl2009, not the book I have. But, we don't need a book anymore, all my friends(2)LOL, are ringing me with their observations. Both rang yesterday, reporting: right footed Rosellas!:-)