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debbie's picture

I've just arrived home from 5 wonderful weeks in the Northern Territory, and countless hours sitting quietly photographing birds in different areas. My husband and I were very happy with the huge range of birds we caught (on film), which we have never seen before.

My disappointment - we spent all day at Edith Falls just north of Katherine looking for the rare hooded parrot said to be found in that area, but to no avail. Then the next day, we spotted a man taking photos of crimson finches at Katherine Gorge (we'd already captured them). We got talking about birds, and he bragged that he'd only just snapped gouldian finches and the hooded parrot the day before - wow, we were excited! Where? we asked. NOPE, I don't let out that sort of information, it's top secret!

I understand that it is important to protect these sorts of birds, and not hinder them, but I have a HUGE lens that allows me to see them without getting too close. I thought he was very selfish. We came away from our conversation bitter having met him. I would only be too proud to show avid birdwatchers "secret" places if I knew any, so that they could enjoy them for a moment too.

debbie's picture

Thanks Denis. It is hard to fathom where some people come from. It would have been better if he just hadn't have said anything about them, than to "brag" about his findings.

Talking about bragging...I spent 2 days looking for the Rufous owls in the Botanical gardens in Darwin that were reportedly resident there, found 2 barking owls instead, and then a group of people with cameras and a little telescope. Voila! They were a bird watching group, and they had found one. They were a very lovely and sharing group, and allowed me to have a look at him through their telescope. I was quite excited with the find. Got some good shots of him too.


Debbie Bray

GeorgeP's picture

G'day Debbie,

I, too, understand your disappointment at missing the Hooded Parrots. Gouldian finches were the ones that I missed when I travelled to the NT. On a positive note, missing a bird is a good reason to re-visit a beautiful place like the NT.

My wife and I found large numbers of Hooded Parrots at Pine Creek, NT. They were quietly sitting in trees along the main street and were spotted by my 14 y.o. daughter as we slowly drove through town.

I look forward to seeing your NT photos when you get a chance to post some of them.




Melbourne, VIC

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