I am having a problem with a couple of eastern yellow robins. I live on a 5 acres property outside of Caboolture. The property has many birds but only in the last few months the eastern yellow robins have taken up residence. My problem is that in the last couple of weeks they have taken to coming to each of the windows in the house (which has many - floor to ceiling) and constantly attacking what I can only assume is their reflection in the windows. I have rung the Queensland Museum and they suggested that I put a cutout of a large bird of prey in the window to scare them off. This is not working and as this behaviour starts as soon as the sum comes up (5.00am) and continues all day it is becoming increasing tiring. Can anyone suggest anything that may help or even a reason for their behaviour. This website says that mating season is between July and January so I am assuming it has nothing to do with mating. HELP!!!!
G'day Bev,
That's a really peculiar problem. I'm not sure what you could do about it. I have sent to a request to the Birding Australia mailing list asking if anyone knows of this issue and if they can suggest someway to help. I will post any advice as it's suggested.
Or alternately, you can join the mailing listand get the responses emailed to you.
Whilst mentioning the mailing list, if anyone isn't subscribed to it, then I recomend you do so. It's one of the best ways to keep in contact with what's happening in the Aus birding scene, and the wealth of info and experience from all the birders is immeaurable.
G'day Bev,
So far there have been some people who have encountered the same problem in different species of birds. It seems to happen around breeding time for these other species as well. Some have suggested that they are attacking what they think are rivals.
So far the only advice is that you cover the windows until the birds have finished breeding.
Hi! Bev. We faced the same problem at my mother-in-laws. A large 3m by 1.8m window at the rear of the house became the focus for a breeding pair of Pied Mudlarks. The birds nest each year in her back yard.
All manner of hangings of shinny bits, raptor cut outs and Cat profiles had no effect.
I made a set of blinds from light (50%) shade cloth to hang about 10cm from the window to defeat the reflections in the glass. This did seem to reduce the angst the birds were suffering. But we suspect that the breeding season also came to a close. The birds are still in the neighbourhood but apparently can tolerate this strange bird on their patch when they are not nesting.
It sounds like you would have a lot of windows to shroud. Sounds like the poor Robins must be driven crazy by seeing rivals at every turn. The Bird Finder fact sheet says three clutches between July and January. So their ordeal (and yours)may be coming to a close soon.
Good luck