I have noticed that recently the notifications of postings have disappeared from my email address.
Is this because of the problems the site was having with Spam?
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Hi Lyn mine is the same
Hi all, same for me ...no e mail notifications
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Same here.
I assume the mail server for the forum must be temporary jammed/blocked, and nobody doing the maintenance or checking frequently. So, we might get lot of emails when they fixed it.
Just have to be patience.
Thanks all - seems the glitch is on the forum's side. Hope they fix it soon as it is so handy to check what is happening from the emails.
Gidday Lyn, I am glad I found this post I was thinking everyone had gone silent.
Me too, I can blame Optus for plenty of stuff ups but obviously not for this one :'D
Sunshine Coast Queensland
no email notifications for me either
None here, I have e-mailed the main BIBY website to inform them on Friday.
Ed Townsville NQ
I'd been so busy that I simply didn't notice.......but likewise I haven't received any.
Thanks ed - I wasn't sure what action to take (if any!)
Guess we will wait and see what happens!
Lol, I realised I wasn't getting any when my email constantly said 0 unread emails. It's pretty sad but the only things I get emailed are the occasionaly Chainmail and BiBY notifications.
Apologies - there seems to be a problem with the time stamp as well. I'll refer it on to the web manager. The funny thing is that some people still do get the email alerts - me included.
Oh Oh!! I just received 50 email alerts from BIBY!!!
I think it must be fixed now :'D
Sunshine Coast Queensland