I have a beautiful grey butcherbird that seems to have taken a shine to me. It pays regular visits around meal times. I put some bits on the table on my porch and even with me sitting in the chair at the the bird will come up and feed.
I feel so honoured :)
Bright Blessings
I love butcherbirds, they have a lovely song.
I once found a mouse in our house that had eaten some poison, I took it outside and threw it away. I didn't realise a butcherbird was watching, it flew down and took the mouse as it hit the ground, with a sad little "squeak" from the mouse. I hope the butcherbird wasn't poisoned.
Greg, it is particularly the Pied Butcher Bird that is the songster. That is how I found this forum in the first place. I moved to this house and was astounded at the beautiful haunting piping notes of a bird in the neighbourhood. I couldn't see it anywhere. SO I found BIBY and asked the question and was totally surprised to hear it was the BB. I though it would be some beautiful rainforesty bird or something. The guys on here told me where to look for it and said it would be very obvious...... suddenly ..they were everywhere!! LOL
The Grey BB has a more cackly kind of chortle , much more raucous sounding than the PBB.
Sandr. they are not shy birds at all once they realise you won't hurt them. I love them.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Definitely not shy. I think once this one gets used to me then if will visit regularly.
I have regular (too many) visits from the local magpie clan. Males will come up and knock on the front door or tap on the window before they are off chortling their dinner bells. The males will eat out of my hand but the females are a bit more tentative. Mind you, the new seasons females are a little braver than the older ones.
Bright Blessings
Agreed Birdie and Sandra, they are definitely not shy. I have heaps of Pied Butcherbirds around my place in Brissie, and they are so tame. I love the way they have adapted to life in the suburbs - they seem to listen for the sound of a mower running, cause they come around anytime I'm mowing, waiting for me to expose the choice juicy grubs.
I was digging a new garden last weekend and had a family of about 6 hanging around looking for bugs and worms. They were so tame that they were sitting only just out of arms reach, and diving in to search around every time I took a break.
I also followed a young magpie around the yard yesterday, as it was practising it's lovely warbling singing. Was just lovely.