This morning I checked my email (Monday 23rd May) and found a huge string of BIBY emails ranging from Night Watching, Yellow Poo and Raven/crow topics only to find they were messages from New York Asian Escorts with a user of ZYPeng. If anyone else as received this may I suggest you hit the delete/spam/junk mail sections, don't attempt to open them as you don't know what nasties that may infect/corrupt your computer...Raven.
Yes I deleted those as soon as they popped up Raven but if you subscribe to threads and they get spammed then unfortunatley you receive those in an email notification. Sorry.
Looking down the topics list, it appears ZYPeng has zapped most of the topics as well as the ones I mentioned. Anyway, thanks for the quick attention to the matter, must get back to the other screen and earn some dollars...Raven.
Holly, what you need to make sure that in the new forum boards activation of new members is done by an administrator and not make it an automatic process. :-)
I would love to get hold of them and choke them.