Folks, I'm finding it very encouraging that this site seems to be attracting a lot of new people lately, most seeking identifications of birds but a number requesting information about how to make their gardens bird-friendly. With this apparent increasing interest in birds some of the endangered ones might eventually be take off the endangered list!
We can certainly hope so Woko.
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
It all looks encouraging, doesn’t it? What is great, there so many young new members, this is what gives me hope for the future. Nature needs their help. Apart from birds there are so many native plants and species in danger of being lost forever, if we don’t start to look after the environment NOW. Most Australian wildlife has very few or no defence mechanisms against the more aggressive invaders. I so wish my neighbours would have been there yesterday, when those little Wren Babies came out of the nest, they had no concept of fear. (one sat on my foot for a while) It was late afternoon, the time my neighbour comes home from work to let the cats out. Easy picking, four little snacks for the cats. I do not want to start igniting the cat topic again. We do need Laws to force people to keep cats indoors.All my life I had hopes, that people could think for themselves, and make their own decisions, that we didn’t need rules and (over)regulation. Now, the older I get, the more I understand my mother’s point, when she said: Stupidity needs to be controlled by laws, nothing is more dangerous and causes more harm than people who don’t think
Many people argue against regulation, saying that it interferes with their freedom. At this point I often ask freedom from what, freedom to do what? I like to think I have the freedom to enjoy & marvel at nature. However, this may well interfere with another's freedom to allow his/her cat to roam or to build a housing development in bushland. Our democracy is sometimes about achieving a compromise between these 2 freedoms.
The problem with this is that nature doesn't understand compromise. For what it's worth I believe we've reached the point, if not exceeded the point, where nature is being compromised out of existence. Once that happens, if it hasn't happened already, then we, as a species, are on the slide to extinction.
But it's so important that we keep hope alive. Without hope we're stuffed. Without hope we might as well drift into lassitude & do nothing about the environmental problems facing us. So that's why I find it encouraging that there are people out there who are wondering what is the name of that beautiful/interesing bird in my backyard? How can I attract native birds to my area of the world?
Yes Woko,This is about us even more than anything else. I wish everyone that belongs to the same species as you and I do, would understand. We won’t be able to cling on to life of any kind, we will follow all the plants and animal we have destroyed in whatever name, or for ever reason we used as an excuse. But the equalizing justice is another saying my mother always used, and something to contemplate, no matter what, nature will always be there. Perhaps it might look different, but:
Please everyone think about it, my mother was a vey wise woman. M-L