New Website

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QLDBird's picture
New Website

Hey everyone,

Don't want to sound pushy or impatient but i was wondering how the new website is going. Are you close to the completion?

Thank you anyway for going to the trouble of the new website, it should be a great success.

PS. Are there going to be any new fact sheets of birds?

birdie's picture

I think Holly is transferring existing data over at the moment, but she said it is going to take a few weeks as she can't do it full time QLDBird.

Should be great to have a new format huh?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Owen1's picture

it sure sounds exciting. i am also looking forward to the new forum. good luck with the big job holly :)

Cheers, Owen.

Holly's picture

Hi all

Yes sorry I should have updated you all :) The templates for the new site are just about done and I have been able to start the mammoth job this week of transferring all of the current website over to the new one. It is going to take me a while so please be patient - there are 400 fact sheets plus all the other content - text has to be cut and pasted and photos have to be reuploaded. For the most part it will just be me doing all that though I am roping in a couple of other staff members to help when they have the time.

Andy's picture

Wow, good on you Holly. Such a massive job. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new forum.

Will posting photos be different in the new forum? E.g., will the process be similar to the process on other forums (such as DOL)? Sorry if this info has been included elsewhere and I've missed it.


Holly's picture

Hi Andy

The process will be much easier! Users will still have to use a site like Flickr to host their photos (as with other forums), but it will be an easy system of selecting the 'image' button and pasting the code in rather than typing out the full code like now.
I have a fun day ahead of mostly copying website text across today...

birdie's picture

Enjoy! It is a pity you can't be helped by remote LOL I have the day off and it is raining :')

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Holly's picture

Its a wonderful offer birdie thank you.

narly's picture

Hi Holly , would it be best if we held off posting pics until the new forum is up and running . Might save you a bit of time and effort , that's all .



Holly's picture

No narly you guys keep posting as per normal - transferring the forum content will be done in big chunks (I think - its the only bit I don't have to do).

It will get there eventually :) I am into the 'E's for the fact sheets...

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