Say "Gerygone"

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Tazrandus's picture
Say "Gerygone"

I realised that I've been pronouncing "gerygone" the most embarrassingly wrong way ("Jerry-gone" - yeah, shoot me). I was shocked that it was actually pronounced "Ja-rig-eny" and I've only just realised literally a few minutes ago.
To the geniuses who knew it was pronounced like that (feel free to laugh at me), how did you know?
I've read books, field guides, and it is only after being bored+google that had brought me to this enlightenment.
To those who didn't know, I really can't blame you.

Meave's picture

I was thinking of it the same way - never had to say it out loud though, so never got caught with my mispronounciation. How did you find out how it should be pronounced?


Meave's picture

Sorry just read the end of your post again - google. Should have known, seems to be the answer to everything these days.


birdie's picture

Ha ha ha .....Taz...join the ignorant classes LOL I was guilty of the same thing till I was talking with Windhover one day and he pronounced it the correct way ...I must say it had never occurred to me that it would be that way ...just looks like Jerry-gone to me ='~

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

I'm even worth, I had to look it up, I have never heard or seen one before. Probabely never will either, we don't have them where I live!( I think?)I freely admit, I'm not that smart!? Hitting me won't help either? So, please don't!


cooee's picture

Really Taz, I always said it the way that you did? I've been telling everyone the wrong thing!!! LOL, Araminta, your not the only one who is not that smart, besides, you can't judge someones intellect by their pronunciation!

Owen1's picture

I didn't know how to pronounce it either.
I used to say "Gery-gone"!
Until I heard a birder pronouncing it the proper way.
Before that I spent ages working out how to say it.

Cheers, Owen.

birdie's picture

LMAO Owen..... for me....before that I never gave it a thought it was always gerry gone :')

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Woko's picture

When I first attended meetings of the SA Ornithological Association I heard people talking about these jarigenies. I looked up the name in my trusty bird book but just coudn't find it & wondered what the hell this mysterious jarigeny was. It wasn't til some years later that I saw gerygone in my bird book & woke up to what these birdos had been talking about. Talk about reverse psychology!

Windhover's picture

I was told the "birder" way how to say the anglicized common name. But if I look at the scientific name also being Gerygone, that particular scientific name should be pronounced like Geh-ree-go-ne (As in Ge like Gentle, ry like re in respect and the go part like the word go and the last ne like in the word bed).

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