Hey, I just joined this because I found the URL in The Bird Observer magazine. Here are a few observations i've made recently about the birds around my home in berwick.
1. Eastern Rosellas are coming to the seed i put in a tree outside my house.
2. More and More bush birds are moving over around my sub-urban home. I've recently seen a few magpies, but you usually wouldn't see them.
3. Yet again MORE bush birds are moving over - a few Little Wattlebirds have came over. I think the birds are coming from either Upper beaconsfield (great place to see fairy-wrens!), Timbarra or the Retarding basin near where I live.
4. A flock of Galahs (i love them) living near the park and the playground about 500 meters away from where I live. There is a decent amount of trees so it would probably sustain them. The flock has easily got about 15 birds.
G'day Grigsbi and welcome aboard. Have a look at the Birds in Back Yards home page. You might be interested in participating in the back yard survey. Enjoy your time here and in the birding world.
See Yez
Kewl, thanks. Also, somehing amazing happened like 5 minutes ago!
BLACK COCKATOOS FLEW OVER MY HOUSE! This is amazing because they rarely come to a sub-urban area!
Hi Grigsbi
It all depends where you actually live. Black Cockatoos coming into a suburban area; that is. :)
Anyway, enjoy it, it's a great thing!