About an hour ago while working near my shed a huge flock of Top Knots flew over. It was at least 300 birds and maybe as many as 500, It was like the evening sky in Lismore turning black with those endangered Flying Foxes.
There are often flocks of 20 to 30 indivduals but I have never seen anything like these kind of numbers. Is this common elsewhere of is this unusual.
At the moment there are large flocks of Currawongs around too.
Top Knot Pigeons
Sat, 23/07/2011 - 02:42
Top Knot Pigeons
Hey Ray. what a sight for sure!!! here i the blue mountains nsw we get Crested pigeons, the name is sometimes mistaken for Topnot. To see 300 or so is quite amazing did you get any photos?? cheers daz
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.
That is a lot of birds by any breed. I have never seen that type of pigeon although we do get the crested pigeon here but even then I have only seen one or two at a time. What a sight it must have been.
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
Sorry mrtattoo, I didn't have my camera with me and by the time I got it they would have been gone. Actually I was a bit dumbfounded anyway. Ray
Ray, Morcombe's "Field Guide to Australian Birds" tells me that "...flocks of these very large birds fly across open country travelling far and fast in search of rainforest trees with ripening fruit. Flocks of thousands were said to be common before extensive clearing and uncontrolled hunting..."
Looks like you caught them on a good day. Have conditions been conducive to fruit bearing among rainforest trees near you?
G'day Woko, That's very interesting. I have lived here for 30 years and have never seen anything like this before. I don't know about other rainforest trees in the area but the figs, and there are plenty of them, are not fruiting yet. After the big flock passed a small group, about 12, returned and landed in a large fig tree on my property.