Yellow Poo

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Misty's picture
Yellow Poo

I have noticed on my balcony bird poo that is quite yellow with a tiny amount of white. It's not a splashy faeces but a "together" piece that would be the size of a small pea. I haven't seen it before and wondered what bird it would be.

We are visited by kookaburras, king parrots, crimson rosellas, pee wee, butcher bird, noisy minors, wattyl birds, crested pigeons, magpies, currawongs, crows, bowerbirds, cockatoos, galahs.
There are lots of others but they don't come to our balcony.

If anyone knows what it would be I would be grateful.

Raven's picture

Yellow excrement is often associated with a bird that has "canka", a disease that gives a bird horrible foul smelling yellow excrement, usually very runny. Canka has no boundaries and will affect domestic chickens and pigeons plus wild birds, a horrible slow death is the result. Hopefully it is not this. Small ringtail possums also leave a yellow deposit, depending on what seasonal fruits/vegetation they are dining on, they will come at night and leave their calling cards!

To detect "canka" in a birds excrement, smell it, if it's a foul rotten smell then I would bet on canka, if not, then I don't know. Raven

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