birding north shore NSW. Any suggestions?

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heva1's picture
birding north shore NSW. Any suggestions?

Hi I'm off to NSW for a week, staying in Dee Why, anyone suggest any good birding/walking areas around there? I wont have a car but intend to use public transport to get out to the blue mountains and anywhere else anyone can suggest that knows the area.
Thanks in anticipation.

Gelmir's picture

Sorry I didn't see this before, but I was in QLD when this was posted.
I live in the next suburb over from Dee Why, so the next time you're up this way, just let me know and I'll be more than happy to show you around some of the more better spots.

heva1's picture

hi gelmir, well.... actually even though you were away you DID help... Denis put me on to your website where I got a link about the Greenlink walk around Dee Why and read about birds you had spotted along the golf course at Long Reef. (see my post in best photos re. Bright weekend.)
So thanks for your help (unbeknown to you!) and I agree great places around the North shore, I was absolutely delighted with the bird life there.


Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

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