facts about birds

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Araminta's picture
facts about birds

I just had this idea to put up a few known and unknown facts about birds, that might be interesting?!
I will start with one fact now:
Ratites are large flightless birds. Unlike other flightless birds, Ratites do not have a Sternum (breastbone). The sternum is needed to anchor the muscles. So, even if they had suitable wings, they still wouldn't be able to fly. That's why the Emu can run very fast (45 km/hr), but not take off and fly! The Emu is able to swim, when necessary though.
Now, this is one fact. Please feel free to contribute more facts about birds!! M-L

Owen1's picture

Great fact Araminta that I never knew.
Here's mine:
Recent DNA testing has shown that Swifts are more closely related to Nightjars than previously thought and have no relation to swallows.

Cheers, Owen.

mrtattoo's picture

Heres something i didnt know, Seagulls can drink salt water. This is because seagulls have a special pair of glands right above their eyes, specifically designed to flush the salt from their systems through openings in the bill. AMAZING!!!

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

Araminta's picture

I didn' know that mrtattoo. I dont know, if the birds can do it, why can't we replicate it?? It would solve our problems, and we could de sal seawater cheaper ?? There are so many other animals doing amazing things,we should look at more closely, like lowering heartrates and body temperature etc.! Animals are so much smarter than us.


mrtattoo's picture

yeah i totally agree Araminta, we have so much around us that we could learn from, we just need to be open to it.

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

Araminta's picture

one more fact,
the Australian Magpie is the only member of the Artamidae, that moves around the ground by "walking". Woodswallows, Butcherbirds and Currawongs, all tend to hop with their legs parallel. Because the Magpie has a short femur (thigh bone), and long lower legs below the knee, they are better suited for "walking".


Owen1's picture

Great facts everyone. I find it funny seeing Lorikeets hop clumsily around on the ground when they are so good in the air and trees.

Cheers, Owen.

mrtattoo's picture

Im doing a bit of reading about different birds in the pacific area because my family & i are lucky enough to head to fiji for a 2 week holiday in Aug. (weve been saving for this for quite abit) Anyhow ive been reading about this Pygmy Parrot, its about 8cm in size & is found in New guinea & some other surrounding islands. its never been successfully kept in captivity, but why would you?? ( thats only my opinion & i have had aviaries in the past but not anymore, each to their own) & it also eats moss & lichens, theirs not a whole lot of info on them really. i just find it really amazing that their is a parrot about the size of a bic lighter. keep the interesting facts coming i say......

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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