may all your wishes come true

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george's picture
may all your wishes come true

to the mob merry xmas and new year,
and as always looking forward to more great pics in the coming year.

Lyn's picture

Thanks George -My New Year's wish will be to improve those dratted BIF photos that I just can't master!!

joanneh's picture

1 would also like too say merry Christmas to all also. We are going back to Paluma for a couple of nights Boxing day. Then home to Pack hooks like the farm we manage has been sold so Now we are homeless and unemployed but things happen for a reson i always say

rosaliathorn's picture

My wishes certainly came true. One of my Xmas presents was a field guide, logbook and binoculars! And to top it all off, when we got home on the day, we spotted eight different species within a block of our house ;-)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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