I just went into best photos and there are all these threads from a while ago that have popped up and no-one has replied for ages. I'm wondering why all these old threads have popped up?
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Spammer Owen, they bumped up a few threads before I got them
I thought so. Lucky I didn't open any of my emails from the forum or I might have been a victim!
There just have to be some below the belt shocking types of people out there :(
Cheers, Owen.
Holly I was at the brolga talk in Melbourne and I saw you talk about BIBY and I was intending to say hello afterwards but you left quicly. I would have come and said hi before if I'd known it was you.
Cheers, Owen.
Oh really! Sorry I didn't hang around Owen - I had had a flat out 2 days of meetings and had an early flight home in the morning, my brain was knackered!
Not your fault if you had a lot on Holly. It was good of you to turn up and talk if you were tired.
Cheers, Owen.