winter plumage?

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Araminta's picture
winter plumage?

Looking at my dogs this morning, I noticed, they are growing a winter- coat already. Question: do the birds get some kind of winter plumage? ( maybe they just fluff up more to stay warm?)Does anyone know??

Kimbolina's picture

I cockatoo looses a lot of feathers twice a year, once before summer and once before winter, so I would say yes, they probably do.

Kimbolina's picture

That should be "My" not "I". sorry, some days I can't type for peanuts.

Araminta's picture

Hi Kim, LOL, I didn't think "you would loose a lot of feathers twice a year!" (...and nobody should work for peanuts!) ;-)


Kimbolina's picture

Hi Araminta, I think I'm just having one of those days lol. My brain seems to work faster than my fingers. Glad you could understand my typing :)

Tazrandus's picture

Some shorebirds have winter plumage e.g. some sandpipers and sand plovers.
A very well-known bird for its winter plumage is the ptarmigan but unfortunately we don't have those here in Australia.
Great for camo of course ;D Pretty neat physical adaptation to hide from predators in different seasons.


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