Golden-backed Honeyeater

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Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture
Golden-backed Honeyeater

My first ever bird photo. I hope to improve.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Pretty damn good for a first! Hope to see more. Cheers


Well done ... your pic captures a very peaceful scene, the lovely little birds pausing to relax and have drink

Araminta's picture

How good is that? Not only will I enjoy your nice comments from now on, but also your photos.Can't wait to see morecool


narly's picture

WOW , more yes


rbuddy's picture

I agree.  Excellent first effort.

Elsie's picture

Beautiful!!! Great shot, keep them comingsmiley

windshear's picture

Reminded me a lot of the little White-Throated Honeyeaters I see quite a bit around the place. Lovely picture. laugh

Woko's picture

I think the golden-backed honeyeater is also known as the black-chinned honeyeater, a species on the verge of extinction in the Mt Lofty Ranges SA thanks largely to habitat destruction, I understand.

Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

Well its encouraging to get some favourable comments, especially from those far more experienced than me. Thank you all!

Woko, according to my book the Golden-backed is very similar to the Black-chinned, with the BC likely to be encountered in drier inland areas and the GB in tropical areas. Both are said to be uncommon.

sparrow's picture

What a great photo, it must be a buzz to have beautiful little birds like these drinking at your bird bath ,we have the Black chinned Honey Eaters in my area but its so hard to get close to them I havn't been able to get a decent photo

Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

Thank you sparrow. Yes I find it is hard to get close to some birds. Usually they come near when I am sitting down and not moving (without camera). Perhaps when standing I appear to them like a lumbering, looming beast. In that case they have great perspicacity.

Woko's picture

Thanks, Night Parrot. I checked Morcombe's Field Guide to Australian Birds again & there the Golden-backed Honeyeater refers to the sub species laetior of the Black-chinned Honeyeater located from n.w. Queensland to the Pilbara.


Great first photo Night Parrot! as a comparison , check out some of my 'fuzzy' efforts :)

l just looked my guidebook and they all look very similar! have not seen these birds before.

Thank you :)


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