Reflex and I went up to Mt Glorious QLD at Stupid O'Clock to see if we could get some birds after all the rains.
Mt Glorious was dead compared to what we are used to. You know its bad when you get excited to see a Grey Fantail, a Lewins Honeyeater and an Eastern Yellow Robin! I managed to get one decent photo of a Brown Cuckoo-Dove (again, not that exciting and not a great photo as it lacks eye contact)
After a Coffee & Hot Chocolate (with marshmallows) we went to one of our old favourite spots at Samsonvale. There were birds everywhere but the weather started to turn a bit sour and even started to get drops of rain.
Managed to get some photos of Geat-Crested Grebes. The photos are not that great, but the best I have so far. (I so want to build a floating hide to get better photos)
From there it just got better, but I only managed to get decent photos of a Bar-Shouldered Dove and a fairly nice one of a Golden Whistler.
In the end not a bad outing, wished we had started at old faithful first though.
Wow! Fantasic photos! I love the ones of the grebes, I don't know what you were talking about - They're great photos
it sounds like it was an interesting outing, and you still got to see some great birds even though it was rainy
Thanks for sharing!
Great shots of the Grebes mine were not that good. It turned out to be quite a good day after all.
The Brown Cuckoo-Dove was the first bird that was close enough to photograph and by this stage we were probably into about two hours of walking around. Maybe we are spoilt but usually we find the birds sooner than this.
At this stage in the day straight after the Brown Cuckoo this Eastern Yellow Robin was a great find and so close
The male Golden Whistler was a great find.
I have to share this one. Believe it or not there is a bird in there. Reminds me off where's Wally?
Samford Valley Qld.
Thanks Elsie.
Nice shots of the Golden Whistler Reflex. Its funny how we both got exactly the same shot on exactly the same branch. See if you can spot the branched I cropped out. Like a spot the difference type of game.
The Robin is nice too!
I have to say I am struggling to find the bird in the Where's Wally picture.
It was a good day in the end, I didn't want to leave. As it was I was late for our lunch with friends
Good photos Devster and Reflex. Did you see what the last one was? It looks like a juvenile bird, maybe a juvenile Eastern Yellow Robin?
Don't think so Tim. There was actually two of them flitting about but they stayed well inside the bush.
Samford Valley Qld.
Great set of shots from both of you.
Would be very happy to see that beautifully coloured dove.
Where's Wally, Singing Honeyeaters ?
I just Googled Singing Honeyeaters and they have a black eye and these were a very much smaller bird, so don't think so.
Can you see the birds eye in the photograph?
Samford Valley Qld.
I think I found a bird Reflex, right in the middle. You can only see a bit of his back or should I say her back.
Do you know what bird it is?
You can clearly see the birds eye in the bottom left hand corner, it's actually looking straight at me. I don't know what it was.
Samford Valley Qld.
Clearly I'm blind because I've looked at this for 10 minutes now & can't see a birds eye
The bird I fould in it looks like a Rufous Whistler.
I'll put you out of your misery.
Samford Valley Qld.
Reflex can you see the bird in the middle?
Is it just above the centre?
Samford Valley Qld.
The line that shows where the eye is goes over the bird in the middle.
Nope..... nothing that I can see?
Samford Valley Qld.
Here, now you should be able to see it. If you zoom into the original you will see it alot better.
Lots of great shots Devster and Reflex - particularly the crested grebes, and golden whistler in the casuarinas.
Still staring at the photo looking for the mystery bird .... is it a yowie i can see in there .
Looks like a fab day Devster and Reflex! That EYR is just too darn cute! Oooh, I'm liking the idea of coffee or hot choc on a cold day out birding, I must get better organised next time I'm out in the elements.
No idea what your Where's Wally bird is, took me ages to find it, haha!
What weren't you happy with re the Grebes Devster?
West Coast Tasmania
Found it Tim! Nothing wrong with your eyes or Devsters.
Had to zoom in on the original to see it.
Samford Valley Qld.