Grey Fantail

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akasha's picture
Grey Fantail

It's ages since I've taken any photos worth posting, so long in fact that I haven't used the 'new' forum if you can even call it that anymore. I took this pic yesterday at the Orange Botanic Gardens and it's cute so I thought it would be a good one to practice posting pics on the new forum with. Hope it works. Enjoy!


kathiemt's picture

They are a cute bird aren't they? I love listening to them and watching them flutter around.  Good shot!

Selby, Victoria

Ninox's picture

How do you get them to keep still? Or is it that your camera's just as fast as they are. Great shot!


Karen's picture

Lovely pic of a cute bird.  Glad you posted it.

Brisbane southside.

Correa's picture

thanks for posting, a delightful little bird, always a pleasure to see!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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