Grey Fantail - this actually turned out better then expected, still quite noisy but I didn't expect for any of the photos I took to turn out at all because I definitely couldn't focus fast enough to take a good snap because they never sit still! So I was quite pleased with this
New Holland Honeyeater, one of my favourite birds :)
Hope you enjoy
I saw my first Grey Fantail only two weeks ago and am still yet to see a New Holland Honeyeater.
If you don't mind my asking, whereabouts were these taken?
Samford Valley Qld.
Lovely pictures! Grey Fantails are one of my favourite little birds with their aerobatic hunting swoops and loops. :) It does make them tough to catch them sitting still though. They seem to be very active around Brisbane lately, and in largish numbers.
Never seen a New Holland Honeyeater either.
The grey fantails are really common if you go to the right areas! The one thing that has always surprised me about birds is how localised they are within a community and area, just travelling a few kilometres I can find a whole array of different birds in large numbers that I'd never seen before. But anyway, the first photo was taken in the Hunter Valley and the second in Tasmania.