For some years now I have "one" Grey Thrush, we call her Lou-Lou, she is very tame, and hangs around the house every day and picks spiders of my windows. (I'm not a very clean person)
Just before, when I went on outside, I took some photos of Lou-Lou(?), I had a feeling she looked different. Yes, I was right, there are TWO now. This one looks skinnier, lighter in colour and the markings around the eye are not as pronounced as in the other one. Could this be a pair now, or does it look like a juvenile to you?
This is such good news!
This is Lou-Lou
Congratulations on your new presence.
In my experience, GSTs usually appear in small to large families, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are more of them around the corner!
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Lovely photos - and they have a nice bird call too. You are lucky to get so close as they are timid at the local small bush reserve in my area.
I think that's almost an adult, Araminta. Juveniles have frontal striations. Also, the white mark in front of the eye, a feature of the adults, is nearly fully developed.