Grey Shrike Thrush

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RedBrowedFinch's picture
Grey Shrike Thrush

Hello All,

I know I've spoken about this bird before, but I just wanted to know if anyone here knows about it's diet? The reason I ask is, when the Red Browed Finches are in my wattle tree, chirping away, and the Thrush is in the neighbourhood, he will swoop down and chase them out of the tree. It's very upsetting, as you know I like my little finches. But I keep thinking to myself, there's no way he could be a bird eater, is there?!

I've tried wiki and some other websites, but none mention his food tastes - only that he eats small bugs. Actually, the first time I saw him, he would sing to himself in the side mirror of my car. He would sit on the window frame at the bottom, looking at himself in the mirror and sing. I got a little worried that he thought his reflection may be a potential mate. He did this every day for almost a month! That was around winter last year - but since then, he doesn't do it anymore.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. I know I can't really do anything about it, it just concerns me as the finches seem quite intimidated by him...

Take Care,


---'s picture

I remember reading that as well as eating insects, GST's can take young birds and eggs from other nests.

You wouldn't expect that from such a pleasant sounding, peaceful looking bird, would you?

RedBrowedFinch's picture

surprise (If I could pull these face a million times I would - I'm totally stunned!!!)

Take Care,




aka RedBrowedFinch

zosterops's picture
Araminta's picture

I find this very interesting, I have always had them around the house and in my garden. They mostly eat bugs, worms and insects.They hang around my dirty windows a lot and pick the spiders off that sit in the countless cobwebswink They get along fine with the other small birds, I have never seen them get into fights , or heard the smaller birds warning when they get close. But then again they might not eat eggs or little birds, because there is plenty of other food around my place.


RedBrowedFinch's picture

True, M-L, I am quite stunned! I used to think it was because the finches thought he was a butcher bird, but now I know better. The Red Wattle-birds tend to the bug variety on our windows and verandah. Perhaps the GST chases the finches because he's fed up with them getting food and there is nothing left for him? Just a thought - I guess I'm trying to make excuses for him lol.

He's a devious little bird indeed! devil

Take Care,




aka RedBrowedFinch

Woko's picture

Much of the attacking behaviour by birds that people observe in their gardens is territorial behaviour rather than predatory behaviour so what you're observing is the ebb & flow of the environment. I encourage you to sit back & enjoy it. If the Red-browed Finches have sufficient cover they'll be able to escape most attacks from any bird species as happens in any natural environment. Hence the advantage of trying to replicate, as far as possible, natural conditions in backyards.

GregL's picture

GSTs are very territorial birds and will swoop humans who they see as a threat to their nest. One took a dislike to my son and would swoop him whenever he got on his motorbike to ride off. Sometimes they nest in my shed and can be very threatening if I come too close, they even tried to nest in my hardhat.

At other times they can be very friendly and curious birds around my garden, they even eat catfood off our verandah.

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