Grey Shrike-thrush

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Araminta's picture
Grey Shrike-thrush

I took this photo with my new Macro 100mm F2.8 lens (Sonywink),as sparrow pointed out to me, it's a great lens , he used it for portraits. I think it doesn't do a bad job when you can get close to the birds? This one is one of two birds always picking spiders around my house. I'm a pretty messy personcrying, the older I get, the less impotrant is a clean house.

As my mother always said, when you are just about to leave this planet, your last words will not be: I wish I would have cleaned those windows more often, in my case it will be, I wish I would have taken more photosblush.

Don't forget the important things in life.

dwatsonbb's picture

Wow that works, simply superb

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

windshear's picture

Lovely photos M-L. :) That's a great idea.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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