Grey/Yellow Faced Parrot (not Cockateil)

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Ubies's picture
Grey/Yellow Faced Parrot (not Cockateil)

I sighted a sole parrot in Bunyaville Conservation Park, north of Brisbane, and am at a loss what it might have been.

Its back and wings were a pale grey similar to a Galah. As far as I can remember its underside was the same grey. Its face however was pale yellow. In appearance and size it looked like a Galah, but may have been slightly smaller. I didn't discern a crest.

The bird definitely was not a Cockatiel, for there was no orange ear spot, and no white on the shoulder, and it had the short tail of a Galah.

I observed it in the upper branches of gum trees for a few minutes through binoculars.

Thanks for any clues.

timmo's picture

I can't think of anything other than a cockatiel that fits this description well.

The only things that vaguely fit this description to me are Glossy Black Cockatoos or Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos.

Glossies are more of a faded black and could look grey (if you squint) smiley, with partly yellow heads.

YTBCs don't really fit the description well at all except for a patch of yellow on the head.


The other thing I found in a brief internet search was Galah/Corella hybrids which I was totally unaware of.

The examples I saw  have the grey body of a galah, with a corella's head colouring.



The other possibility is an aviary escapee like an African Grey Parrot, but I don't know much about non-native birds.


Araminta's picture

My first thought was female Gang Gang. They fit the shape and grey colour, and if they were sitting up a tree, and sunshine on their faces.....? What do you think?


timmo's picture

(I know I'm not the OP, but I am in Brissie)

Good point, though I've not seen Gang-Gangs here in Brissie at all myself and I don't think they are generally seen this far north.

Could be a vagrant or an escapee though...


Araminta's picture

Think about some reflection from the sun in her face....?


Woko's picture

Brisbane is well outside the gang gang cockatoo's range.

Any gang gang escapee near Brisbane is further evidence against the keeping of caged birds.

Ubies's picture

I'm certain I didn't see a Gang Gang.  I think Timmo is onto something regarding a hybrid Galah. I found an image of a Galah/Citron hybrid ( that is remarkably close to what I saw, except my bird didn't have a prominent crest. Although there is a flock of Corellas in the area, I'm now thinking the bird was a Galah/Cockatoo hybrid. Bizarre stuff.

Thanks for the feedback.

Pam's picture

There is/was a hybrid galah/corella in Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydney.



I have just spotted a pair of these birds, identical to your description on the Sunshine Coast in the woodland beside a creek.  I've tried to look up what they could be, but no matches on the net or in books.  

pacman's picture

Ubies and Jane3 - did you have a phone with you? did your phone have a camera? if yes then I always suggest that any sort of pic is better then no pic


package157's picture

That would be galah citron like my nomattie 

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