Gwumpy the Willy Wagtail

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windshear's picture
Gwumpy the Willy Wagtail

Today I heard a bit of a cacophony of bird noise from my garden. Most strident of all was a Willy Wagtail, who was sitting on the fence loudly proclaiming his/her ownership of that little spot. Apparently there were some Brown Honeyeaters and Spotted Turtledoves who had the audacity to be either nesting or sitting in the Willy's tree. (The spotted turtledoves were nesting there a while ago, and consider it 'their' tree. The Honeyeaters were just visiting)

Gwumpy was trying so desperately hard to look tough. (managed to bully the Honeyeaters out of their tree anyway). He sat in the tree and played "Possession is 9/10ths of the law" for a couple of hours.

It's been raining, so I haven't done much serious birding, so have some unserious stuff instead. :)


he looks very angry with those white eyebrows on display

---'s picture

Nice photos windshear.

What species is the tree? It looks the same as one of my trees.

windshear's picture

NathanY wrote:

Nice photos windshear.

What species is the tree? It looks the same as one of my trees.

Not really sure, sorry.

Araminta's picture

Those photos are so cute. I love Willie Wagtailsheart there is one that come to check out my garden every year, sits on the fence for a while and moves oncrying

The look on his face is somewhere btween angry and sad. Nice catch.


sparrow's picture

Definitely looks annoyed, I think all black and white birds seem to have a mad streak but Willies take the cake I have seen them take on everything from a finch to a horse watching one harassing and driving off a Wedge Tailed Eagle was the most entertaining

windshear's picture

NathanY wrote:

Nice photos windshear.

What species is the tree? It looks the same as one of my trees.

I asked around, and found out it's a Bracelet Myrtle.

---'s picture

Thanks, I guess it's not the same species as mine.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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