Hello to everybody

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Jozef's picture
Hello to everybody

The Hi I'm very new on the forum and also new in Australia.
I'm very amazed about wild- life in Australia esespecially birds. Here is so many different interesting and beautiful species. Only in Western Australia is recognised over 800 different species, comparing with all Europe where is just over 200.
You can find me every weekend somewhere in the bush or parks with camera chasing for a birds.
I'm running my own blog on G-mail named "Birds of Western Australia " and so far I collected almost 40 different species with beautiful photos and description which references I'm using from Birds in backyard. I'm blogging in purpose to show to my country all this beautiful species so I'm translating all the descriptions in to Slovenian language.
Birds in backyard is also my source to recognise the birds, the tool is amazing and very easy to find the bird.
Also here are beautiful photos of the birds and I'm looking forward to post some of mine too.

Woko's picture

Great to see you on the forum, Jozef, & welcome to Australia. We certainly are lucky in Australia to have such  a wonderful variety of birds so we have a very important responsibility to care for them by caring for their habitats.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
                 Subscribe to me on YouTube