Help me before the babay bird dies !!!

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aref.thaher3's picture
Help me before the babay bird dies !!!

Hello I Found an baby bird in my yard lost and I can't find the nest , the bird wont eat noraml bird seeds please help me identify the bird and what should I feed him he is kinda very scared BTW I live in palestine(israel) here are his photos :

al's picture

Your bird is a fledgling Great Tit.

As they are cavity nesters, you might not find its nest

unless you can spot the parents fly in and out of a hole in a tree.

They are insectivorous, so don't feed it seeds.

Any small insects like grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, flies, caterpillars etc.

You have to force feed it at first.

Good luck.

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aref.thaher3's picture

Thanks very much for your replay :) but unfortunately I tried to feed it a spider but it wouldn't let me feed and I didn't want him to get tired any more so I was going to get him to the pet store but he died on my way to the pet store because it's very fair :'((((( I bought some baby bird food so it won't happen to me another time.

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