Hi all,
Can you help me with identifying this please. Seen in the Blue Mountains NSW, my best guess is a Brown Treecreeper, can anyone confirm or deny?
Thanks a lot
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i can see by the slight curve of the beak it is not a Brown Treecreeper,but maybe a cuckoo of some sort?
It is most likely a White-throated Treecreeper. Brown Treecreeper doesn't have such dark brown and grey shades on the back like this bird shows.
Nath, the bill being angled makes it appear to be well curved when it actually has the slightest downcurve.
Also, the stocky build, buff patch on the wing and black panels and white tips on the tail feathers are a dead giveaway.
Cheers, Owen.
I thought the White Throated Treecreeper first and then changed my opinion because of the patches on the wings. I'm quite a novice though... Thank you both very much for your help!
Sorry, also do you know what this behaviour is about? it spread it's wings and tail-feathers like it was hugging the tree trunk?
thanks owen - like carl said it was spreading its wings out so i couldn't really see the body properly
Could it have anything to do with enticing prey from under bark? Or is it courtship behaviour?
I have a few White-throated Treecreepers in my garden. The only time I have seen them do this, was after they had a bath and sat on branches with their wings and tail pread out to dry the feathers in the sun .