Help on small bird please

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brian63's picture
Help on small bird please

Hi all,

I captured this bird by default when photographing the pied cormorant, it is the one in the bottom right hand corner of the picture. Taken at Ballina NSW, all help appreciated.

timrp's picture

Wandering Tattler or Grey-tailed Tattler.


I cheated and looked up differences between Tattlers that Tim mention on Google Images.

It looks more like a Grey-tailed Tattler.

Reasons are the black stripe that extends past the eye in non-breeding plummage and the yellow looking spot at the base of the lower beak.

I had to import and blow the photo up. Be good if you can supply a blown up part of that photo, Brian.

Kippa-ring, Qld.

SteveM's picture

Can't be sure from that photo, but I favour Wandering Tattler, which is also more likely at Flat Rock. I think too much dark grey on the breast & flanks for Grey-tailed Tatt.

brian63's picture

Thanks for the input folks, will head back to the same location and see if i can get a better shot. Hadn't noticed the tattler when I was there.

And you are right SteveM it is at flat rock, are you a local or visitor to the area?


SteveM's picture

Hi Brian, yes I live in Ballina. There was 2 Wandering Tatts at Flat Rock yesterday, & again today. Grey-tailed Tatts mostly hang out in the river estuary, but do occassionally turn up at Flat Rock.

Snail's picture

I also think it looks better for Wandering Tattler. The location/habitat favours Wandering over Grey-tailed too.


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