Hi from Glenore Grove, QLD

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bungy's picture
Hi from Glenore Grove, QLD

Hi all

Not sure what to put here, or how long it should be.

Anyway, I have been a lurker on here for a while now so I thought it was time to, pop my head up so to speak, and introduce myself.

I found this forum initially, like many others, while trying to identify a bird.

I currently live in Glenore Grove, Qld which is in the Lockyer Valley west of Brisbane.

My bit of dirt is a 5 acre block.

The back half of the property has been left, as much as possible, native scrub so the flora and fauna can share it with us.

I just clear the leaf litter and larger branches around fire season to reduce the fuel available.

The front half of the property is mowed and kept like a suburban front yard, only slightly bigger. :)

Gardens are planted with mostly natives, to help attract birds to the property.

Over time I will post pics of the birds that visit me.

So that any that may be intersted can get an idea what is in this area.

I am not a Birdwatcher as such, but I do enjoy photographing nature.

So if it crawls, walks, hops, flies or swims on my block of dirt I will be trying to get a pic of it.

That's it for now.

I also have a fair bit of photo experience, so I will try and help in that area where I can.

Edit: Grammar

Woko's picture

Good on you, bungy. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the birds that visit you. And I trust that you're either flood-prepared or high & dry or both there in the Lockyer Valley!

bungy's picture

We are high and dry where we are. Located on top of a small hill.


Woko's picture

Wise move.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Sounds like you live on a fantastic nature friendly property Steve.  Great to hear you're a little safer (and drier) where you're situated too.  Look forward to your posts, and a very warm welcome!

West Coast Tasmania

bungy's picture

Thank you all for the welcome.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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