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Rick N
Rick N's picture

I thought I was getting a little better at bird ID, but I thought wrongsmiley

Help please, taken last weekend near The Coorong, Salt Creek. Was eating little berries from the shrub shown.

pacman's picture

Congratulations on your Singing Honeyeater - identifiers are the black eye streak underlined by yellow and white


Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks pacman, new bird for me. I really have to take more time looking at my field guide.

When I go back it seems clear that it is a Singing Honeyeater but when first looking a lot of the honeyeaters seem similar.

I have to take more time looking at the detail. Thanks again.

pacman's picture

RickN - no worries, this thread is here to help with IDs, and with 72 (?) Honeyeater sp it can be difficult, what field guide do you have?, 1 guide has the HE separated very logically


lorne.johnson@dow.catholic.edu.au's picture

Varied and Mangrove are the only honeyeaters that are similar in appearance to Singing. Singing found in different area. Bear that in mind. Lorne

Rebecca Z

Unfortunately the bush looks like an African Boxthorn, nasty pest that one, probably because the birds love the berries so much :D

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks all,


Have "Birds of Australia" Jim Flegg.

Was bought for me as a gift but I'm starting to think there may be better options. Any suggestions?


Rebecca Z

If you're going to get a different bird guide, I'd suggest either Simpson and Day, or Pizzey and Knight. Simpson and Day uses slightly outdated taxonomy, though it's not an issue simply for ID. Pizzey and Knight also comes in digital editions for computers and phones.

pacman's picture

Rick -

I got the new edition of Pizzey & Knight and believe that it is the best available atm.

However, I now record my sightings of the different races or sub-species and Simpson & Day provide the most info on ssp.

I use the Morecombe iPhone app as it was available 2+ years ago when I wanted to buy an app.

I therefore suggest that you look at each and decide what best suits your needs.


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