Humans creating sixth great extinction of animal species, say scientists

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zosterops's picture
Humans creating sixth great extinction of animal species, say scientists
Woko's picture

There are two books titled The Sixth Extinction, both worth reading & each written from a different perspective. The Guardian article adds to my contention that Homo sapiens is evolving into Homo stupidis.


Zosterops, all the atricles in that site are killing me.  I once said to the wife before kids, lets be the ultimate greenies and not procreate.  Now it seem its probably euthinate oneself.  Suicide is at approx 7 per day, and as it becomes more obvious whith whats going down, there is little point to hang around perhaps.  No wonder depression and drug use rates are forever climbing, and most of those people are probably just working on the social decay side of humanity.  When the science is finally observed by the mass its going to be an intereting day out.  It seems we have passed the point of being sustainable, and unless it revolves around consumerism, change would be very slow.  But no one wants to buy broken things, with no warranty, and if its out of stock there are no more on back order or at the warehouse.  So its hard to see a solution.

I guess when religions are genarally pro life because gods provide abundance.  Leading politicians are generally religious or pro growth for economies anyway. People are pro consumerism for a better life. And we all and think or thought at some point the environment is in abundace. The writing has been on the wall since the beginning. Now just what to do about it.

Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks

Woko's picture

Our society has the capacity to make changes for the better but, in my opinion, lacks the motivation so addicted are we to getting and spending and laying waste our powers. It's as though we're in a materialistic and violent stupour. Little wonder that so many people find life unfulfilling and meaningless and want to opt out.

I have no confidence that change will come from the top. If it happens it will be brought about by individuals and small groups at the local level. But suicide by the good guys changes nothing in the broad scope of things. It only removes people from being potential agents of change at the local level. 

So if we each acknowledge the skills and resources we have and work within those limits lots can happen for the good. Sadly, only the exceptional can be effective at the highest reaches of our society. Even more sadly, there seems to be a total dearth of those sorts of people. 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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