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Just a few ID's I need, I think I know the last one but i'll let you decide. Sorry if this doesn't turn out, it's been a while since i've tried posting photos.

The next bird

And the final bird which I think I know.

Now I'll tell you somehting about these birds a bit later, but I'm just interested to see how some of you guess :)


In fact I've just found out what they all are :)

Windhover's picture

First one: I am confident it's a species of Lichenostomus but whether it is a L. chrysops or L. fuscus is hard to tell for I cannot see enough detail in the face. I am leaning towards Fuscous Honeyeater, the second of the names.
Second-Fourth images look like an immature finch and the only one I could see as close would be perhaps a Red-browed, but the reddish eye patches are not normal. Therefore, I think it's a hybrid of some sorts with the metal mesh in the first shot indicating it's in an aviary perhaps?
Fifth image is a Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosusI think. The little orange at the rump and long tail with the white ends is characteristic of that species.

QLDBird's picture

The first one is a brown honeyeater, the 2nd,3rd and 4th are of a red-browed finch and the last one is a red-whiskered bulbul.

soakes's picture

I would have guessed:
1. some sort of honeyeater
2. a red-browed finch (although I would expect to see more colour on its body somewhere)
3. no idea, my best guess would be a whipbird, but I'm sure that those who said bulbul are more right than I.

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Windhover's picture

Brown HE also fits, true. Where did you take the photo of that Amateur? I never considered it because I thought you lived in Sydney and they'd be rather uncommon with a few seen in Homebush to the best of my knowledge.
Here is a shot showing different plumaged Fuscous HE
And a Brown HE, which I photographed at Kingscliff NSW a year or so ago.

Soakes, the finch got me a little. I have not yet seen an immature Red-browed like that. I recently photographed an immature specimen and will post to my gallery later to show.

Araminta's picture

Well,2,3 and4 would have to be finches, look at the beaks? I don't think the last one is an Eastern Whipbird (I can hear one outside right now!),there is some "red" under the tail of your bird, the EW doesn't have. The rest of the bird is to dark to tell anything else.So, I go with QLDBird- Bulbul, but the again, I have never seen one, only in books.


sparrow's picture

I think the finch is a immature st Helena wax bill

sparrow's picture

sorry and the last one looks like a red vented bulbul

Araminta's picture

Hi sparrow, what a good name for a red bottom! LOL Where would I find the-St Helena wax bill-? I have looked in my books, but can't find it. Does it have an other name?


sparrow's picture

Hi Araminta, st helena wax bill are native to southern Africa,and bulbuls are mainly from Asia ,just google the name and you should bring up something

sparrow's picture

Bulbuls are causing a huge problem in New Zealand and are considered an unwanted organism about as high as it gets on the pest list

Araminta's picture

Amateur, the time has come, to tell us, what is the story behind those birds???


sparrow's picture

Ok one more stab is the first one a young yellow -throated miner ?

Araminta's picture

sparrow, maybe we should have a close look at the trees in the photo? Amateur might have gone on an overseas holiday, or to the Zoo, and he is leading us up the garden path?



Okay, just to tell youse none of these birds are Australian, they are all from either New Caledonia or Vanuatu! The first is a Dark-Brown Honeyeater, the second a Common Waxbill and of course the third is a red vented bulbul (which I managed to ID on sight because for some reason it's in my S&D guide). We went on a cruise to tour the pacific islands up there, unfortunately we missed out on 2 islands and when we did stop at espiritu santo it was pouring for half the time. Mainly thanks to cyclone vania and apprently another one was brewing in the area, luckily we weren't around for the eathquake though. Most of the birds I saw I did not get photos of, these are the only birds plus a few shearwaters who weren't to camera shy, but the amount of birds I saw was amazing, despite most being unrecognisable to me, especially espiritu santo which was beautiful to ride along as everywhere you want there were green trees and vegitation. Thought I might liven things up a bit in this section a bit :)

sparrow's picture

Oh im sure he's playing us being a kid i think he likes playing these games to try and make old farts like me look stupid,but he doesn't have to i can do that all by myself

Araminta's picture

Hey Amateur, do I get some reward, for getting , that this was not taken in Australia? I was intrigued by the trees, and the leaves!


sparrow's picture

The Common wax bill is an alternative for the st Helena wax bill !

Araminta's picture

......sparrow, I let you win a prize as well!! A wax bill is a wax bill, where ever he lives!


soakes's picture

Nice test, Amateur!

Frankly I think we all did pretty well with our guesswork!

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Windhover's picture

Frankly, I think you should mention straight up where the pictures were taken; especially if not in Australia. No wonder the stupid finch stumped me.


Apologies then Windhover

Windhover's picture

No need to apologize mate. :) I think it's good to know location since this is an Australian site and as far as I am aware most members would know or be mainly interested in local birds. If I knew (maybe just me) that they were taken overseas in the first place I would not have tried to work out what they were. :)

sparrow's picture

I thought it was a bit of fun,but i can see where windhover is coming from maybe we could have a identification sub heading ID challenge or something where we know what the bird is and where it's from and see who can guess with just some basic clues!
No lories there imposable

birdie's picture

Hey Sparrow, Amateur and co.... I understand what Windhover is saying too. But maybe that would be a bit of fun to start a section like that Sparrow? With younger members getting interested in birds it is good to remember that it doesn't have to preclude having fun :)

I have to admit though that I am only really interested in Australian birds but I do find them all beautiful.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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