Bird call "poo kiki" identification

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tanstar's picture
Bird call "poo kiki" identification

My mum used to hear this bird call "poo kiki" but didn't know what it was, so she called it the Poo Kiki bird. I have now heard it in my own garden near Frankston, SE Victoria, does anybody know what the bird could be?

Tazrandus's picture


tanstar's picture

Thanks Taz, I have seen the Spotted Pardalote in our front garden just recently so that could be it, i'll keep my eyes and ears out for it.

tanstar's picture

I just listened to the sound file from your link, that is the exact call I heard. Thanks

Araminta's picture

Tazrandus, you are a "genius", I've been going "poo kiki" over it all morning.A spotted Pardalote would not have come to my mind. M-L


Woko's picture

I thought it might have been a vagrant from New Zealand.

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