Birds of Prey??

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Kimbolina's picture
Birds of Prey??

Lately I've seen what I think are hawks or eagles hanging around. I know nothing about birds of prey. The other day I saw a black bird fly so fast, it was that fast I couldn't even tell what it was only that it was black and fast. It didn't fly like other birds and didn't fly in a straight line, it manoeuvred like a jet and for the distance it flew it didn't even flap it's wings, just glided at a very high speed. Any idea what kind of bird this would be? Maybe some kind of hawk or eagle? It was about the size of a crow, but I know it wasn't a crow, they can't fly like what I saw and the crows wing shape is different.

I also saw a whitish bird chasing a sparrow, the sparrow only got away because it flew into my tree.
Would this be a kestrel??

This morning I found feathers from a dove in my yard. It looks like one wing had been completely ripped off. Whatever attacked it must of flew off with the bird because there was no bird left, just lots of wing feathers. I know it wasn't a cat because I went outside and there was nothing around. Any idea what type of bird attacks and carries off a dove??

I'm guessing these are all birds of prey?? but I have no idea what birds they might be. I have never really seen birds of prey before but then it may be because I never really took any notice either.

If it's any help I'm in Adelaide, South Australia. Unfortunately each time these birds have been around I haven't had my camera with me, so no photos.

Any help appreciated :)

Owen1's picture

kimbolina i think that the black bird of prey could be some sort of falcon - brown or black falcon.
the white bird chasing the sparrow could be a destres or maybe even a black-shouldered kite.
these are just suggestions, i think we need akos for this one :P

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

Owen, what's "a destres"?


Owen1's picture

sorry shocking typo.
meant to be KESTREL

Cheers, Owen.

Kimbolina's picture

Thanks Owen I think you might be right. This morning the large dark bird flew over again, the magpies from the area were literally screaming, either they were chasing it or being chased, the pigeons/doves also flew off and there wasn't a bird in sight for over an hour afterwards. I have never seen a bird fly as fast as this dark coloured bird, it's that fast I can't even see if it has markings on it's feathers.

The other bird which I think also may be a kestrel hasn't been seen since, but I'm sure it's around.

Much appreciated.

Owen1's picture

falcons do sly over extremely quickly - sometimes you would swear they were not even a bird but some sort of plane.
i saw a peregrine falcon soaring pretty high yesterday when i went to look at the yarra river, which flooded for the FOURTH time this summer.
i went to take a shot of him but when i looked back up i saw a streak disappearing from view.

Cheers, Owen.

oaks17's picture

I would say its for sure a falcon. They like to eat birds too.

We see Peregrine's in large city's in the USA and they primarily hunt pigeons. They nest on top of tall buildings and dive bomb pigeons. It's pretty specatular.

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