We came across this today:
I've never seen one like it before! Can anyone tell me what it is? It's quite small, larger than a fat sparrow but uch smaller than the rainbow lorikeets that live next door.
He was really friendly, just wanted to play under the watering can and have a drink while we watered our garden.
Thanks for your help :)
Hi Erin
Somebody will be looking for it for sure, a pet I suspect, certainly not an Oz parrot. A search on Google for Blue Parrots only turned up 1 image of this bird and he did not have a name (other that 'Fluffy Blue Parrot') and he was in a zoo in Funchal Madeira, be careful if you use
'fluffy blue parrot' as a search ...it turned up a few interesting sites ....
Ed Townsville NQ
It's a 'love parrot' which has probably escaped from a cage somewhere.
looks like an escaped african lovebird, erin
Central Victoria
Sorry, if you type in love parrot on google it somes up with random macaws and stuff, figured out their lovebirds. It looks like a violet lovebird to me, not sure if it will survive or not, chances are it won't. Here's a link to some shots of them http://images.google.com.au/images?hl=en&um=1&sa=1&q=Lovebird+&aq=f&oq=&start=0
Central Victoria
be careful if you use
'fluffy blue parrot' as a search ...it turned up a few interesting sites ....
Yes, 'small blue parrot,' too!
probably escaped from a cage somewhere.
That's why he was so friendly, I figure.
According to the pictures, he's a volet african lovebird. I'll see if he's still aroud today, may be a bit soggy after the storm we had yesterday.
Thanks for your help!!!
Yup, definitely a love bird. very sought after as pets, but usually in pairs so I hope they escaped together.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I had to have a laugh though Ed, I thought I'd try the search you mentioned, and my computer must be different to yours because it came up with lots of real stuff , except for one, my old alltime favourite ....Monty Python's Blue parrot sketch. It was worth the deviation just for the laugh!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I might be wrong here but I assume the sketch is the "it's not dead, it's pining" one? Ther are pretty birds, hopefully he'll stick around for some more photo shoots.
Yeah that's right Amateur the pining one. Great fun although maybe a bit before your time?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yes thats a violet masked lovebird, very beautiful! If I were you I would try to catch the bird since it's probably someones pet. Oh and where are you located?
Yes, Laura, we thought that, I haven't seen it again yet.
We're in Albert Park, Melbourne...
birdie, I said that too..(might be before your time) when I made reference to 'Life of Brian" in another thread but apparently you are a Monty Python fan aren't you Amateur?
My favourite is the 'argument sketch' lmao
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best