Brisbane ID help please

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miss.chris's picture
Brisbane ID help please

Good morning,

I rescued a bird with a broken wing yesterday, sadly it had to be euthanased, and I don't have a photo of it.  

It was the size and shape of a large pigeon, with black and white markings. It's beak was a bit longer than that of a pigeon, and it had webbed feet!

The vet who euthanased it also hadn't seen it before and didn't know what it was, but said it's definitely not a pigeon.

Any ideas?

Many thanks


Holly's picture

Hi Christine - maybe a Little Pied Cormorant? Its black and white and has webbed feet but I am not sure the shape matches what you saw

Araminta's picture

Like Holly, I think it might be one like this, a Little Pied Cormorant?


miss.chris's picture

It's going to annoy me now! Never mind, I'll remember this next time. I didn't want to take a pic to traumatise the poor little guy, but next time I'll remember to take a pic after euthanasia.

Thanks anyway! If I manage to stumble across the answer, I'll let you know : )

Elle's picture

Is there any more info you could give? Have you looked at any pics of jaegers?

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