Hello all,
I have uploaded this video to help identify what bird this little guy is. I'm in Bankstown, Sydney in a leafy area usually dominated by noisy lorikeets (Although mine tends to be louder than all the wild ones combined, which you will hear in the video :D)
This bird has been calling like this literally all day, every day, from the same tree for about 2-3 weeks.
I cant see any nests, or any other birds that resemble it.
While I do love birds, this little munchkin is starting to get on the neighborhoods nerves
Hi Bellemy, I tell you what I think it might be,( I do get things wrong sometimes!),I think it's a baby Pallid Cuckoo, begging for food. Have you noticed the parents somewhwere? But wait for more info,as I might be wrong?
i believe this bird to be an immature common koel
the immatures have mottled browny plumage and different calls
Cheers, Owen.
Well spotted!
I looked up images of both birds suggested and the immature common koel is the closest
I have been keeping an eye out for parents etc, but nothing yet :( He just sits in the same spot day after day
Thank you very much for your help!
O,O, I told you so, I hope one day I'm going to get one right!?
If you're going to keep an eye out for some parents don't exepect adult koels! Like cuckoos they are parasitic birds as in the parents lay their eggs in other birds nests and allow them to raise it, so it's "parents" might be a Pied Currawong or something like that.
A few days ago in Sydney I heard a channel-bill cuckoo for the first time. Holly says these large cuckoos are becoming more common because their hosts dominate urban environments.
The chosen parents up here are usually Australasian Figbirds, and they are a lot smaller than the koels so it looks quite incongruous when you see the chick squawking and getting fed by the two worn out foster parent birds.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
ah yes, a baby Eastern Koel. There are quite a few around the Penrith area. Adults lay usually in Red Wattlebird nests. Channel-billed Cuckoos will lay in larger birds' such as Australian Magpie, Australian Raven or Pied Currawong.
The adult Eastern Koels are starting to come around to lure the young away from their adoptive parents. The calls the adult Eastern Koels make at this time are quite different. A real high-pitched squeal almost. I hear a few most mornings.