Hi i come across a birdie which was stood on by child, i have looked after it for the last couple of and am now trying to identify it, i believe it is a Lichenostomus chrysops
(yellow faced honeyeater) however i live in perth which is were birdie was found, and every were i look on the net specifies they are an eastern states birds, which makes me question if it is wot i think it is i do have to take a new photo of him but heres one of it when i found it.
[img] http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs963.snc4/75649_468624633040_725158040_5696990_7822472_n.jpg [/img]
sorry my bad i think its a Mangrove Honeyeater Lichenostomus fasciogularis. Is it possible for the species to live in urban gardens and bushland in perth?
Perhaps just a Noisy Miner?
[img] http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs993.snc4/76686_477034908040_725158040_5805267_2067952_n.jpg [/img]
unfortantly he had a little accident and has lost his leg, was amutated yesterday :(. However not even the vet knew what he was, and said he wasnt a honey eater :|
[img] http://www.facebook.com/Taries#!/photo.php?fbid=477038013040&set=a.124257038040.98275.725158040 [/img]
Theres the back side of him
[img] http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1173.snc4/154513_477038013040_725158040_5805280_7338010_n.jpg [/img]
Theres the back side of him
That vet obviously knows nothing about birds, which is fine as many don't. We've had vets calling birds all sorts of names eg: a juvenile Kestrel was referred to as baby Goshawk, an adult Peregrine Falcon was called a Brown Goshawk, I could go on but the mind would indeed boggle. This is definitely some kind of honeyeater, most likely in the Lichenostomus genus as well. Not familiar with your part of Oz, so do a google search for Perth honeyeater species and you will find them.....It's not Yellow-faced that's for sure....
Thankyou every so such youve all be a great help. Birdies recovered well from his operation, and i wont be putting him anywere near the cocky from now on! Ive discovered his a singing honeyeater and is very popular in our area.
Definately a Singing, but they don't really sing if you ask me. A typical coastal bird here in Victoria.