Hey guys, over the last week it has been raining heavily here Sydney. This has caused some water birds to come closer to were I live. The other day I say a white bird with long legs and a long yellowish beak. It was roaming around the park sticking its head in some large puddles. Im guessing its a egret of some sort but I don't know which one. Im pretty sure it is not a great egret because it was pretty small.
Also, a while ago I saw 3 large white birds flying over in a V shape. I they were definitely not ibis's if thats what your thinking, because I was thinking that at first.
Sun, 05/06/2011 - 00:07
The egret was probably a non-breeding intermediate or cattle egret or maybe a yellow spoonbill, but then I would think you would have noticed the beak shape. Egrets also fly in v formations, so it could be them again.
Did those 3 white birds in V formation have long yellow bills? If so, they may have been yellow-billed spoonbills.
Hey guys, I think that it was probably a non-breeding intermediate egret, if not then it was the cattle egret. I think your right about the spoonbills Woko.