I took some photos today when I was, (unsuccessfully), out looking for a wedge tailed eagle.
They were a long way off, but I think perhaps they are a Brown Sparrowhawk. One of the pics seems to have a stronger striping around the neck so maybe a Collared Goshawk? Any ideas anyone ... or perhaps I was too far away to be sure?
A couple of days ago I also took some of a bird that I am more confident of. I think it's a Black Shouldered Kite, but I am happy to be corrected if I have this one wrong.
(see below).
Sorry, I typed the first image link wrongly.
Gidday Roger, Mate it is hard to tell off your first shot of the Brown Goshawk but your 2nd image leaves me with no doubt at all that is what it is.
Your other BOP is a Black Shouldered Kite.
Thanks Tassie, but I am still confused. Is it a Brown Sparrowhawk, a Brown Goshawk (same thing?) or a Collared Goshawk?
I think 6987.jpg and 7014.jpg may be the same bird. They were taken at the same place about 8 minutes apart. Regards Roger
Gidday mate, your shot is of the Brown Goshawk. There are 3 types of Goshawk in Australia the "Red" "Brown" and the "Grey" there is a pure white version of the grey which I have been fortunate enough to see in the wild.
The "Collared Sparrowhawk" is a different bird although the hunting strategies between the two are very similiar.
I hope this helps mate.
Many thanks, I got a bit mixed up. I will try for some better pictures, then it might be easier to figure it out myself, thanks again, Roger
No dramas at all Roger.