Hi, I think it might be a Little Wattlebird / Brush Wattlebird; I think there's still some ambiguity regarding whether they are two distinct species, or subspecies.
The chestnut patch in the wing is a feature of the Little Wattlebird.
Hi Andy, have you noticed how the tail feathers have a white tip? Wattlebirds have that, but don't they have them on all the tips? The long beak sure looks like a whattlebird. You are prob right. (as most of the time!) M-L
Hey ML, perhaps the middle tail feathers have been worn down? I'm pretty sure that it is a Wattlebird. Actually, I'm certain, but I never like to say that :-)
Such a lovely clear photo; great clarity of the white markings on the back.
Hi, I think it might be a Little Wattlebird / Brush Wattlebird; I think there's still some ambiguity regarding whether they are two distinct species, or subspecies.
The chestnut patch in the wing is a feature of the Little Wattlebird.
Hi Andy, have you noticed how the tail feathers have a white tip? Wattlebirds have that, but don't they have them on all the tips? The long beak sure looks like a whattlebird. You are prob right. (as most of the time!) M-L
Hey ML, perhaps the middle tail feathers have been worn down? I'm pretty sure that it is a Wattlebird. Actually, I'm certain, but I never like to say that :-)
Such a lovely clear photo; great clarity of the white markings on the back.
Little Wattlebird