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throw.away1's picture
ID Required

This is the female of a pair that have taken up rsidence in my backyard. They have a distinctive voice.

IMG_0016 by camersnoop, on Flickr



Female Australasian Figbird I think. Though it looks very green for one.

cooee's picture

I think that this might be a female fig bird or a immature olive backed oriole camerasnoop2. The oriole has a very distinctive call. According to my field guide it say's that its call is: "ory, orry-ole", harsh scolds and scratchy warbling song, subsong includes mimicry.
The figbird makes a more squeky call.
Hope I helped.

Owen1's picture

It is most likely a Figbird because it has grey skin around the eyes and Orioles don't.

Cheers, Owen.

Owen1's picture

Also, it is probably a young male turning into an adult male, explaining the abnormal colouring.

Cheers, Owen.

throw.away1's picture

Thanks. The other bird was mostly green with the red circle around it's eye. I think it is a figbird. I simply assumed it was the female pictured.

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