ID help

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cooee's picture
ID help

Hello everyone, this morning while at the shopping centre in Western Sydney I saw a strange looking bird. It flew straight past me with a fair speed, and a level flight with a vary flicky flight. It had a sought of darkish plumage, but with odd head and chest marks. It's tail was long and straight, not forked or anything. Was about the size as a Welcome swallow but a bit larger. It was a very slime bird and my first fought was welcome swallow, but this bird stood out.
What do you think, some kind of martin perhaps?

cooee's picture

Shouldn't have rushed that, I meant very flicky flight and chest markings, not marks.

Owen1's picture

Sounds like a Tree or Fairy Martin but it is quite hard if you only saw it rush past.

Cheers, Owen.

cooee's picture

Yeah, probably a tree martin because it says they like urban locations more than fairy martins, can't be 100% sure though. Will look out for more martins in the future! Are they common?

Owen1's picture

They are common around woodland but very infrequent in suburbs.

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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